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Let's see


I like to do cyber CTFs whenever I get the chance. I think it really helps drive home hacking concepts as well as teach you new Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to add to your tool belt. Creating walkthroughs is a great way to hone your writing skills as well as improving your communication skills with words. Here are some walkthroughs that I have put together.

Over the Wire

Over the Wire is a great place to start your cybersecurity training. While the site is very dated, the effectiveness is still sound. Don't be fooled by the site's design, you WILL learn something.

Hack the Box

This site has come a LONG way over the years. It's now my favorite platform to do CTFs. There are so many challenges and tracks to choose from. You will not be disappointed for sure. While I can't do write-ups for this site according to their rules, I still think these guys need a mention and a quick link to their site. Enjoy!

Offer your strengths to others and you will be amazed how many people offer their strengths to you.
- Simon Sinek